Wii Virtual Console Idea
Here's an idea for the Wii that I wish that Nintendo had done, and hope that someday they may still do: allow NES and other 8- to 16-bit virtual console games bought on your Wii to be transfered to the Nintendo DS. This seems like a no-brainer to me! What better than having the original Zelda/Mario/other NES games on your portable DS system to cart around when you leave the house? When you come back you should be able to somehow "synch" your saved games back to your Wii console and resume playing on your TV. It would be great. Please, Nintendo, hear me!
So far I've downloaded Super Mario Bros and the original Legend of Zelda from the Wii Virtual Console, and it has been well worth the $10 total.
It's one thing to play those games on an emulator where you can easily cheat using save states and you can easily look up things on the web about how to beat some part of Zelda, but it's different when you treat them as they were played originally, and using a genuine controller and a TV.
I'm biding my remaining 1000 Wii points until something really attractive comes along. I've been considering getting Mario 64, another great game that of course I already paid for once on N64, but which I've never really been able to emulate satisfactorily. I hope they get Goldeneye as well. As tempting as it is I may bypass the original Metroid. That game I've played via emulation enough times that I really don't need to play it again. Super Metroid however...
If you are skitterish about the price (as I was at first), think of it like this: you can get ten NES games for the price of one new Wii game. Games as good (and classic) as Zelda, and Mario, are well worth it. If they can bulk out the lineup I'd be happy to drop $50 on good Virtual Console games.
Ok, fine here's the list of old games I really want to get on the virtual console: Super Metroid, Goldeneye, Mario 64, Zelda: A Link To The Past, Zelda: Majora's Mask, Gain Ground (SEGA), Zillion (SEGA), and probably others.