Monday, June 05, 2006

Hold on

Within seconds of publishing that last message, I realized that what I wrote was mostly crap. I'm really apologize for that, but I am crossing my fingers meaning I don't really give a shit whether it is crap and whether or not you will enjoy reading it even. Even!

Even! I think I might do a podcast too, If I can get the nuts up to do it. Most people, most guys, wouldn't hesittate to get their nuts up, but that's just me folks: you know I hesitate. Often, and regularly, particularly in groups.

Oh man, why am I writing this crap. I have shit to do. I have humor to enjoy elsewhere. I have a life to live (uh huh). I have money to spend (yah). I even have parenthetical sarcastic statements to make about what I write (you sure do, bitch). Oh god, why am I even writing this.

what if I publish this and NO ONE reads it? what do I do with it then? Cuz I'm not going to read it again. holy shit no.

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